Conservation Halton – Marquee Block Letters

Conservation Halton – Marquee Block Letters

Friluftsliv, pronounced “free-loofts-liv” means free-air-life.  This Scandinavian concept represents a lifestyle that focuses on being outside and a culture that encourages a deep connection with nature.  Come celebrate the essence of friluftsliv and help make Conservation Halton Foundation’s vision of clean streams, abundant forests, thriving wildlife and healthy communities a reality.

This Gala took place in Milton ON and featreed our Marquee Letters spelling out”Friluftsliv”

The evening includes a farm-to-table menu prepared by Ontario’s finest chefs, inspiring presentations, as well as interactive experiences and entertainment. Proceeds from the Gala fund projects and programs that protect the natural assets, create opportunities to connect people and inspire change.  Like-minded companies and individuals are invited to show their support by attending the Gala.

Quote Quote on Marquee Letters